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Home fireplace

For a country house with the onset of cold weather, a logical question arises: how to heat the house? If you want to get the maximum pleasure by enjoying warmth into the...

Stony or rocky walls

Rocky or rocky walls, as a style, are based on copying the ruins of ancient fortresses, which are very common in some Western European countries. Undoubtedly, miniature beautiful plants having long lashes...

Gardener calendar – work in December

December is the first month of winter, although it is not the coldest, but the darkest in the year. Severe frosts, plentiful snowfalls and unpleasant winds are quite possible this month. The...

How to sew a velor sofa

Upholstered furniture is a comprehensive procedure. Change the appearance of the velor sofa, and at the same time fix it, you can use special linings. This solution is perfect if the individual...

Холодец из курицы

Скоро наступает светлый праздник Пасхи. У многих пасхальный стол ассоциируется не только с куличами и пасхами, но и с холодцом. Теперь очередь за холодцом из курицы. Ну, не совсем из курицы, будут...

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